How Denver Recruiters Have Adjusted to COVID-19
For the past several months, businesses across the world have been adjusting to a “new normal” as we navigate this ongoing COVID-19 situation and Denver recruiters are no exception. This sustained disruption to the way America does business has been unlike anything we’ve ever seen before (and hopefully unlike anything we will see in the years to come).
The pandemic has forced Denver recruiters to reassess things and change the way we operate – understanding these changes as a job seeker can give you an advantage moving forward. With that said, here are a few of the biggest changes:
We’ve gone remote
The industry was heading towards a more remote workflow regardless, but the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated things big time. What would have been a gradual, multi-year process has occurred overnight, with remote, video-based interviews now being commonplace. This likely something that will continue into the future. Even after we get the COVID-19 situation under control, Denver recruiters will probably put the handshakes on pause for a while.
Our top clients have gone remote to
This emphasis on remote communication is not unique to the recruitment industry. Just about everybody is switching to Zoom conferences and emails if their workflow allows for it. This has presented a lot of opportunities for tech-savvy candidates, as well as candidates that live outside the city. The commute time from Boulder to downtown Denver is the same as the distance from your bed to your computer. Take advantage!
We have a renewed focus on Software & IT positions
As technical recruiters, we find ourselves in a unique position: the recruitment industry as a whole is struggling, but there has certainly been no shortage of temporary software and IT positions. Businesses and schools switching to a remote setup need skilled IT teams to keep everything running securely, and there has been an increase in education software development, business software development, and productivity software development. Skilled software engineers might have lost permanent work, but there are plenty of new projects available.
Things change, but some things stay the same: With the right tech-oriented skillset, there are always going to be opportunities out there. Need some help getting your skills in front of the right employers? Reach out today to discover how Expect can help.