Outsourcing the Recruiting Process vs. Keeping it In-House: Which One?

Outsourcing the Recruiting Process vs. Keeping it In-House: Which One?

Outsourcing the Recruiting Process vs. Keeping it In-House: Which One?

Outsourcing Recruiting Process vs Keeping it In-House – Which one will suit you best?

There is no definite checklist of when to outsource technical staffing and recruiting and when to maintain the function in-house; every situation is exceptional and you should assess your hiring strategies based on the characteristics of the position.

It will make a big impact on your everyday work activities, and your end result.

The good news is that there are clear explanations of the gains between the two alternatives; hence making a choice is just a process of knowing what you want.

Benefits of Outsourcing

The main advantage of using an outside resource provider is that you’re capable of harnessing a technical recruiter for a specific task and for a short duration. Even though the projected hourly rate is higher than assigning a member of your own staff, you save by not budgeting a yearly salary and benefits.

Positions that make the most sense to bring in an outside recruiter are executive-level and leadership positions, but this can extend to positions requiring specific industry experience and technical skills that are in high demand.

Benefits of Using In-House Recruiters

The main advantage of using in-house recruiters is that you manage the team’s time, quality, and daily activities. And if you have positions that turn over more frequently than others, it makes more sense to recruit for these positions year-round.

Typically, lower-level positions will have a larger pool of applicants and therefore can be easier for your team to find. In addition, building your team with your cultural perspective can ensure longer-term placements and less turnover.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to choosing outsourcing or in-house technical staffing and recruiting you don’t need to pick either.  It is logical that one of your tasks might be better off with a member of your staff owning it, whereas another might be at an advantage for outside technical staffing and recruiting experts with deep connections to a niche candidate pool.

This was our brief guide on Outsourcing Recruiting Process vs Keeping it In-House


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